Kitchen Hood Cleaning
Kitchen Hood Cleaning

This is the service that we offer to homeowners that want to have the hood in their private kitchen cleaned out. For the most part, these private kitchens are not actually going to have what we could call a kitchen exhaust system. So the cleaning process is usually going to be a lot less extensive. We are not going to lie a lot of times we have trouble selling this particular service because people are really not aware of the benefits that it brings. Can you go years without cleaning your kitchen hood, and have nothing happen? Our answer will usually start with yes, but …
It’s A Safety Issue
No matter how clean your kitchen is, the reality is that grease is going to build up in your kitchen hood. The consequences of that can vary. For the most part, you will start seeing a problem when the fan and the hood are not able to “clear” the air. So every time that you decide that you are going to cook a lot of smoke from the grill is going to be coming back at you. Grease building up is a major fire hazard. As we said, nothing could happen for years, but it only takes one spark to light up a room and put you and yours in grave danger. If you have less grease build up you have less danger involved it is that simple.
Fixing Your Fan
A lot of home kitchens have a hood that relies on a fan that is meant to disperse the smoke that builds up when you are cooking. It is not uncommon to have these fans malfunction. The main reason that this happens is that a lot of gunk and grease tend to build up inside of them. Having these fans regularly cleaned out can ensure that you are not going to have that problem in the long run.
Why We Don’t Recommend Trying This On Your Own
At the end of the day, you have the liberty to make your own decisions. There are a couple of reasons that we can point to though as to why we believe that it is not actually a great idea to do this job on your own. We have heard all sorts of stories of people trying to clean their hoods with regular house cleaning products that actually could cause a spark to develop and light up the room. Overall it is just a very serious matter that we believe is best suited for professionals. Dial (510) 876-9373 now to get in touch with the trusted hood cleaning experts in Oakland, CA.
How Often Should I Have My Hood Cleaned?
Newer hoods are designed to be able to combat grease build up so having them cleaned once a year or maybe twice depending on how much you cook can be a good idea. For a lot of the older hoods out there twice a year is probably going to be the minimum that we recommend. As we said though it is ultimately up to you how you want to hanlde the situation. We also offer restaurant cleaning service.