About Our Team

We imagine that every company believes that what they do is overly important. If you don’t then you really may need to rethink why you are in the business. Having said that, hood cleaning, which is our business, is something that we believe is at times not given the importance that it deserves. We have worked with a lot of restaurant owners that are easily annoyed with the fact that they have to have their kitchen exhaust system cleaned. We get it, what you want to do is be able to concentrate on your trade. Having to dish out a couple of bucks to avoid fines is something that you don’t overly enjoy doing. Dial (510) 876-9373 now for free estimates!
That is why one of the main things we focus on is trying to make sure that people say the value in what we do. We don’t do this just so that people won’t complain about our inspections and things of that nature. We truly believe that these inspections and cleaning services can really benefit the working environment. As a homeowner hood cleaning is something that you really shouldn’t overlook. We know that a lot of people do. So if we were to go in, disinterested and just making sure we do just enough to cash the check we really wouldn’t be doing hood cleaning justice. When you work with us you know that you are going to get a team of professionals that are truly looking out for your safety. Hopefully, this can help change some people perspective of hood cleaning. Contact us today for more info.